Lilias Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Lead the Nation in Preschool Education Programs

One program in Charlotte Schools is focusing on the littlest learners. Recognizing that good learners begin early, education officials have developed an award winning preschool program called Bright Beginnings.

Bright Beginnings

The Bright Beginnings program involves full day, literacy based programs for four year olds in the Charlotte Mecklenburg area. More than 3000 students benefit from the program at five education centers and fourteen elementary schools. Over time the program has spread beyond the public school system and has been integrated into preschool classrooms throughout the community by partnering with the Smart Start, Child Care Resources, Child Care Centers, and More at Four programs, which all target the education needs of preschool students.

Developing Pre K Experiences

Teachers and program developers recognize the need for enriching experiences at the preschool level. Students at this age have very limited opportunities to explore the world around them, and the Bright Beginnings Program hopes to change that. By exposing children to new and different things, program developers believe that they can strengthen student vocabulary, a skill that they hope will carry over when the students learn to read. While many of these new experiences take place in the classroom, Bright Beginnings also encourages students with field trips to local learning centers, such as Discovery Place and ImaginOn.

Aligning Pre K with Elementary Education Curriculum and Instruction

Bright Beginnings has recently been incorporated under the North Carolina State Elementary Education Curriculum and Instruction area. Teachers hope to build connections between what they do in the Bright Beginnings program and what students will need to do when they enter kindergarten. The new partnership seeks to produce students entering kindergarten who are better prepared to learn and kindergarten teachers with a clearer idea of what their students have been exposed to and how they can build on that knowledge as they move through kindergarten. The program has the potential to raise student achievement at every grade level, as better prepared students advance year to year. Bright Beginnings recognizes that as Elementary Education Standards increase, preschool student curriculum must as well. As the director of the program explains, (Children) are expected to learn more. The standards have increased, not just in college and high school but in kindergarten too.!

Professional Development for Teachers

As part of Bright Beginnings commitment to preschool education, Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools has used federal and state grant money to ensure that the teachers working in the program are highly trained and qualified. All teachers must be certified in early child development, meaning that they have studied children from birth to kindergarten.

National Recognition for Bright Beginnings

Several years ago, Bright Beginnings sold its award winning curriculum to Pearson Publishing. Through this partnership, the curriculum has been distributed nationwide and continues to grow in neighborhoods far from the Charlotte Mecklenburg area. The director of the program credits Bright Beginnings success to the continued dedication of teachers and developers to work towards better learning practices. She comments, Weve started some new things and were going to continue to build them. We have gotten great marks for our curriculum for years. (Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools) is a leader in the nation.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Marc Blog52205
Leda Blog42873

Importance of Database Uptime

For many businesses, logging, warehousing and processing information about transactions is the lifeline of their corporate strategy and crucial to their profitability. Important records detailing a companys user history, product inventory and shipment tracking, supplier information, configuration settings, or any other necessary collections of information are most often stored in and retrieved from databases. Databases provide a convenient means of storing vast amounts of information, allowing the information to be sorted, searched, viewed, and manipulated according to the business needs and goals. Many companies rely so heavily on the functions of databases that their daily business operations can not be executed if databases are unavailable, making database management and maintenance a vital component of their business models.

The significance of database up time and hazard of downtime can best be illustrated with a hypothetical example. Suppose ABC Company is a subscription based web application that provides a variety of on demand services to its subscribers. Every piece of data that ABC Company uses to provide its subscription services is stored in one or more massive databases, and fulfilling user requirements relies on the websites ability to access, format and deliver database information almost instantly. However, if that database is undergoing maintenance, queries cannot access the required information that is needed to create a deliverable, thus depriving the user of the services for which he or she is paying. On a large scale, database downtime can result in lost clients and sales, and thus damage to the profitability and success of the business. Hence, efficient database management capabilities are crucial to the mere existence of many businesses.

The need for database maintenance is unavoidable, so enterprise data availability software solutions have been created to help businesses reduce downtime from hours or days to mere minutes or even seconds. Effective database management applications can reduce or eliminate downtime that renders a database unavailable, giving business owners and developers a flexible and powerful tool to protect the performance of their valuable business operations.

Companies which provide enterprise data availability software and services help businesses manage their databases by offering services such as backup and recovery, automation of maintenance tasks, and fine tuning performance efficiency, among others. With an assessment of current database maintenance practices, enterprise data availability companies can recommend the appropriate system to implement that can solve the database management shortfalls of most organizations, playing a valuable role in the protection and longevity of their clients.

Stephen J. Richards has 25 years experience in Data Management and Information Technology. This information is provided as a public service by Neon Enterprise Software, a leading provider of data retention products. For more information, please visit http://www.neonesoft.comLorette Blog78669
Isis Blog80372

5 Tips When Choosing Multiple Domain Hosting

If you have or are planning to have several domains running on the web, then you should consider getting a multiple domain hosting. Multiple domain hosting allows you to host several domains under a single hosting plan. Most web hosting companies call it shared hosting.

The main advantage of multiple domain hosting is it helps to consolidate all your domains under one hosting plan. It makes domain management a breeze. It also makes it easier to modify any settings since you are doing it from the same control panel.

Here are a few tips you might want to bear in mind when looking a shared hosting service.

Hard Disk Space

Nowadays most shared web hosting plans provide more than enough disk space to satisfy your needs. It is important you know before hand how much disk space your web site will be using not just currently but projected 6 months, 1 year and 2 years down the road.

Some web applications requires more disk space than others. One example are file hosting sites. Also remember to check the cost of upgrading your disk space in case you need one. Most web hosting providers charge on a per GB basis.


Most web hosting providers cap a limit on each hosting plans bandwidth. Check to make sure it provides sufficient bandwidth for your current websites and also room for growth. Most web hosting providers will charge you on a per GB basis for exceeded bandwidth.

The speed is also important for websites. No one wants to visit a website that loads slowly. File hosting and video sites for example requires an acceptable speed in order to deliver file download or streaming video.

Number of Domains Allowed

Some web hosting limit the number of domains for each hosting plan. It is best to get one with unlimited domains so you have to worry about the limit.

Emails/FTP accounts

You probably will need separate email accounts for each domain you have. Most web hosting services provide webbased or as well outlook based email accounts. Preferably try to get one that has unlimited email/ftp accounts.

Ease of control panel

With many domains, emails, ftp accounts etc to manage, it is important that the control panel is easy to use and all information can be accessed easily. Most web hosting services provide cpanel. Some web hosting services do use their own customised control panel. A good example is godaddy.

Whichever control panel you are using, familiarize yourself with the interface and get used to it as fast as possible.

Ricky Lim runs a cheap web hosting reviews site. Visit his site for more information on free web hosting services and cheap web hosting servicesLoleta Blog7393
Linda Blog51844

A Brief History of Tapestries in American Dcor

The myriad details of restoring or furnishing a period house are enough to overwhelm even the most dedicated homeowner. Paint colors, wood finishes, floor covering, lighting fixtures; chosen wisely, these elements can combine to produce a satisfying authenticity. The selection of appropriate textiles can add a visual and textural dimension, a finishing touch of comfort and warmth. Tapestries, in particular, can be used effectively in almost any period home.

Tapestries have been important elements in American interior design both early and late. They were the height of fashion in the 17th and late 19th centuries, and maintained a more modest popularity during the intervening periods.

Early use in American dcor

In the 17th century, colonists, as British citizens, were determined to be as refined in the Colonies as their countrymen in the Mother Country. The wealthy and socially conscious remained in vogue as much as time and distance allowed, importing English fashions and goods to the growing urban centers. European-made tapestries were often listed among the most valuable items in estate inventories of the wealthy. As either wall hangings or bed hangings, they were admired by visitors; during this period, the best bed, splendidly adorned with rich tapestry art, was found more often in the parlor than the bedroom or chamber.

From the early 18th century to the late 19th, rich fabrics, including tapestries, were used in parlors and best rooms, but less frequently on walls. The British artist Charles Eastlake, widely read in America in the mid-19th century, cautioned that wall tapestries may be at risk in homes in dirty, industrialized cities, where they lacked protection from soot, coal dust, and smoke, but their popularity persisted as furniture coverings.

A popular option for Americas wealthy

By the late 19th century, American industry had given rise to unprecedented wealth, held (and liberally spent) by families such as the Vanderbilts, Astors, and others. Perceiving themselves as the American aristocracy, they built both urban and country homes (the latter often referred to as cottages) modeled after European palaces and grand estates.

Tapestries were an important element in the decorative scheme of such grand houses as George Washington Vanderbilts Biltmore, the dining room of which featured two massive 16th century tapestries of Vulcan and Venus as the focal point. Like their Colonial counterparts, the 19th century American royalty sought to display their very new wealth even as they imitated the interior design fashions of centuries before.

The revival in tapestry art

In less luxurious homes, tapestries were literally off the wall, appearing more often as drapery or upholstery fabric, or as a decorative covering for a table, piano, or mantel. Portieres, lambrequins, and valences often used jacquard-woven tapestry fabric to enrich a decorative scheme, providing texture, color, and visual interest. William Morris and his cohorts in the Arts and Crafts movement re-introduced tapestry as both an art form and an element in interior design, and it was once again seen in homes on both sides of the Atlantic. The fashion was short-lived, however, and little innovation in tapestry design appeared for several decades.

A revival of interest in tapestry art began in the mid-20th century. As modern architecture became more austere, large, unbroken walls presented the opportunity for colorful and textural tapestry, executed in designs far removed from the picturesque motifs of centuries before. As an alternative to framed paintings, tapestry art was valued for its portability in an age of increasing mobility. Individuals and families moved from apartment to modest home to larger home as their circumstances changed; tapestries could be folded or rolled and easily moved, to be hung in a new setting.

Popular in any period home

While the popularity of tapestry as a design element has varied throughout American history, the wide range of available motifs and ways to use these intricate, often striking textiles allow for the homeowner to be creative with their use, resulting in an unexpected focal point, large or small, in any period home.

Copyright © The Tapestry House, all rights reserved.

Joan Youngken writes on a number of home dcor subjects including textiles and tapestry wall art.Carmen Blog69656
Carmen Blog70187

Can You Learn a Foreign Language with Audio books?

Many of us English speakers did another language at school (I did French) but if you're like me and studies say many people are then you didn't really take it seriously and probably don't remember much.

***After all, English is the global language of business and aviation so what's the point?***

Yes, maybeup to a point

***Holiday problems***

You get into a medical emergency or your wallet gets stolen and the police don't speak English


Fact - Speaking another language massively (HUGELY!) expands your career options and opportunities.

If you're going for a job where a 2nd language isn't needed it will give you a powerful advantage if you're up against someone who doesn't have it.

If a job does need a 2nd language then if you can't speak it you've got no chance And in the ever expanding global economy those of us who are multi lingual WILL have access to more and better prospects, and, basically, earn more money.

***"Social Mobility"***

My own situation move country for personal reasons (love :-) I'm in Sweden where pretty much everyone DOES speak English but it was a big hindrance. I felt like a social outcast - they don't speak English at parties I can tell you!

***So How to do learn with a language audio book***

You can do evening classes etc - But that sucks up time like crazy. I know, I've done the Swedish For Immigrants course here. It's excellent but I only had time for a basic primer course and even that took up too much time (I run my own business at home at break neck speed and have a demanding dog with separation anxiety issues!)

So being a lover of mp3 audio books (and owner of an audio book website!) I got myself a Swedish language audio book which I played when walking the dog, riding to the shops and any other non work or family focus time About an hour a day in my world.

***Start it and Keep at it***

Don't give up At first not much goes in but after a while I can tell you that your ears get tuned in and it starts to make sense.

***Courses vary.***

Mine simply has the phrase or word being said in English then Swedish or vice versa - The core phrases are repeated in different ways and so build & reinforce the key basics to which you add vocabulary and away you go!

***How long does it take?***

1-3 months depending on you and how hard you go at it.

If you do 1-2 hours a day then you'll be able to speak a significant amount of any language after 6 weeks and be hot in 3 months.

Just imagine how surprised your friends and people at work will be when you chatter away in your new language and it's a GREAT feeling too.

I bombed in French at school and had a real mental block about learning another language i.e., I can't do it Now I can and audio books really pushed me to it. If I can do it anyone can and that means you so get to it!

At worst next time you go on holiday you can speak the basics with the locals and sort out problems or have more fun shopping. At best you'll be able to twitter away like a songbird!

***Suggested audio book language learning "courses" ***

There are many audio book versions of leading foreign language study courses as well as audio book specific ones.

Prices go from a few pounds or dollars for holiday starters (a perfect way to start) into hundreds for some very detailed "total" courses like Pimsleur levels 1-3+

To make a start just go to a search engine and type in the name of the language followed by "audio book" and start digging from there.

Nick Moseley shares time between the UK & Sweden where he lives with his fianc Lena & goes fishing (not as much as he wants!) He runs a 7000+ title downloadable audio book website. If youre looking for language audio books see the dedicated section at Blog51469
Keslie Blog74233

Right Support! Right Loan! Right Application Student Loan Application

Practically speaking, when you are a student, your expenses are more than the average spending by a common person. The expenses may be on your education, tuition fees, credit cards bills, hotel and restaurant bills, clothes, books expenses on maintenance of car and any other miscellaneous expenses. At them time, your earning are nil or very less if you are working part-time and expenses are so much. Student loans can give you the financial support. You can avail such loans by filling a student loan application.

A student loan is the perfect financial support for those students who are insufficient in bearing their cost of living or expenses during their educational period. These expenses can be anything, what matters, is that the applicant should be a student. You need to plan a budget for your spendings from the loan amount to ensure the efficient use of the student loan amount.

Student loans also gives you freedom from all your existing debts (if any), which you may be facing trouble in repaying. We can say that, filling a student loan application can also get you a debt consolidation loan under the title of student loans. So now instead of paying for all your numerous debts separately you can repay your entire debt amount with single monthly repayments at competitive interest rates.

You may be wondering about where to look to apply for a student loan. The answer is simple INTERNET. With lots of student loan websites, you can easily search and apply for such loan by filling an online student loan application form. There are also loan calculators which you can use to find out what the repayments will be. A standard student loan application form consists of following details:

Name and Surname
Permanent address
City and postal code
Telephone numbers
Details about academics i.e. what you are studying
Status of course, whether full time or part time
Loan amount required
Lender may or may not ask for the security by a guardian depending upon his policy

All the standard student loan applications are routed through LEA i.e. Local Education Authority. It can differ in case the applicant is dependent, disabled or involved in certain kind of social work. A student loan is repayable only after one completes his or her education and starts earning a minimum amount.

If you are doing certain part time job, this may be an added advantage for you in form of low APR. APR or Annual percentage rate is the total cost of the loan. Also, if your earnings are above a minimal level, the repayments will be deducted from your income every month.

To conclude, we can say that to avail the benefits of a feature-full student loan you can fill a student loan application with accurate information.

Kevin Clark is a financial analyst at Student-car-loans. In recent years he has taken up to provide independant financial advice through his informative articles. To find Student loans, College student car loan, USA college student car loans, Cheap student car loans,Cheap student car loan, USA cheap student car loans, Student loan application, Student loan application USA, Student loans application, Student car loans, Student car loan that best suits your need visit http://www.student-car-loans.comIsis Blog8838
Liza Blog56319

When To Workout

What should I eat? When should I eat it? And whens the best time to work out? Should I hit the gym when I wake up in the morning, during lunch hour, or late afternoon? Everyone has a different opinion, whether they are an entrepreneur, a freelance photographer, a school teacher or a diehard fitness freak. So HCM took the query to the training professionals to get their take on the problem.

Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter, author of Your Performing Edge and member of the medical staff at Stanford says, The best time of day to exercise is first thing in the morning. You lower your stress and increase your metabolic level. If you wait until later in the day you may put the workout off and not do it at all. (Website for helpful articles and success tips:

Dr. Yariv Rothman, a Venice, California chiropractor also prefers the A.M. workout. A morning workout can be very helpful, especially if youre shedding those extra pounds post pizza night. Cardiovascular exercise or circuit training in the AM stimulates the endocrine system, releasing endorphins and enhancing mood. Dr. Rothman says, My patients who work out in the early morning report that they have more energy throughout the day and deal with stressful situations at work better.

Guy Grundy, Mr. Australia, is a morning person, too. He says, By training first thing in the morning you are able to take advantage of certain factors. You release more growth hormones (GH) at this time due to the low blood sugar levels. The more GH you release the better.

If you are looking to gain bulk or become more lean, your meals will be a little different. To bulk up, Mr. Australia suggests, A high protein, high carb snack is great before the workout as you will have additional nutrients in your system while you are training. Dr. Dahlkoetter suggests a sports bar or a bowl of oatmeal.

If you are looking to drop body fat Guy Grundy offers a suggestion before pumping weights, Go with a shake. Its easy to digest and will ensure you have enough protein in your system while you train. Remember, if your body is low on carbs it will use protein as an energy source.

Grundy says, I always make sure I have a little more protein in each meal as I like to stay lean and therefore eat less carbs. I build muscle and drop more body fat with this method.

The most important meal is the one immediately following your workout. You should look to get between 25-50% of your daily carbohydrate intake. And the amount of carbs needed during a post workout meal varies between people. Guy Grundy says, My favorite is egg whites, flank steak, and three blueberry and banana multigrain pancakes.

Theres a good reason for all these carbs. After a workout your body has depleted its carbohydrate reserves. Your body is releasing more insulin, sending needed carbs back into the muscles. These calories and nutrients absorbed during post-workout meals are directed into the worn muscle mass which leads to a better gain in muscle and cell growth.

Guy Grundy says, Using creatine with your post workout meal and a high amount of water will provide even better results.

Dr. Rothman says, Your body needs refueling as well as protein, which is necessary for muscle repair. He suggests a turkey sandwich or a few scrambled eggs with fruit.

There is a downside to the morning workout. Since muscles are still asleep from a long nights rest, they need some waking up before strenuous exercise. Spend a few minutes warming up. This could be five minutes on the stationary bicycle and stretching exercises, which will avoid unnecessary strain on muscles and ligaments.

Ryan Kravetz, a Bally Total Fitness trainer and former Team USA ice hockey forward, knows a morning workout gets the metabolism going, but he has practical concerns. The crowd hits the gym in the early morning and late afternoon. This is the time when people have to wait to do their bench presses or leg lifts. The equipment is available without a wait during midday, says Kravetz.

Not everyone can jump out of bed in the morning and pump iron. There is a school of thought that agrees with Kravetz, but for a different reason. Led by Dr. Phyllis Zee of Northwestern University, this group cites a good explanation for the P.M. exercise. Muscle strength is at its peak, and people are most alert. Therefore, athletes are less apt to injure themselves.

Theres some science to back this opinion, too. It has to do with circadian rhythms, our internal biological clocks. These rhythms time our sleep, wakefulness, and body temperature. During the afternoon our internal clocks have increased our body temperature by one to two degrees. Consequently, muscles are more supple lowering the risk to injury. For most people this happens between 2:00-4:00 P.M.

Exercise before bedtime is frowned upon. According to Dr. Dahlkoetter, sports psychologist, If you exercise at night, you will become dehydrated and have more difficulty sleeping. A workout before bedtime will keep you up. Sure, youll be wide awake for Letterman or Leno, but youll have trouble waking up for that early morning appointment.

Maybe its an A.M. workout you prefer to start the day with an energy boost. Or a P.M. workout suits you best when your muscles are warm and you need to relieve some stress. Take your pick. Choose one and stick with it. And remember to eat smart before and after you exercise. Maintaining a regular workout schedule with an appropriate diet could extend your life and definitely improve your mental and physical health.

Dane Fletcher is THE Training Authority and writes exclusively fro, a leading provider of weightlifting supplements and alternatices to anabolic steroids. For more information please visit http://www.steroidpimp.comGabriel Blog43633
Louise Blog65809

Making The Grade With An Information Technology Degree

With computers in every type of workplace from the high-rise office to the post office, an information technology degree is simply one of the most useful qualifications available. A dependence on computers has created a need for those who understand the inner workings of various information systems. IT professionals not only get networks up and running, they keep them running and are able to create resourceful solutions on their feet.

Whether one chooses to work in network engineering or security, management information systems or computer programming, there are many different areas of IT that require just as many different skills and abilities. While a love of computers is certainly a necessity, attention to detail, abstract thinking ability and a good memory are also requirements. Individual preferences for certain IT areas also come into play.

By getting an education in information technology, students can learn how to take their best abilities, merge them with state of the art skills and apply them effectively. As many come to find, the scope of IT is extremely wide allowing specialized skills to be used in a number of different places. A career in IT means never being forced to stay in only one aspect of the industry.

It is widely known that IT professionals have the benefit of a higher than average salary than other careers, even when first starting out. Plus, with computers used in every single area of life, there is hardly anywhere on the map a person could go in search of a job that doesn't need IT professionals in some manner. With technology consistently changing and updating, the demand is greater than ever.

A good information technology program teaches the latest in Microsoft, Cisco, Security Certified Professional and even cyber security. Prospective employers often look for and prefer individuals who are well versed in working with these programs. Not only is an information technology degree important, certifications in Cisco's CCNA or Microsoft's MCSE are also sought after skills.

It is not uncommon for those who work in the information technology field to eventually move on to managing their own IT division. This means the complete coordination of a company's information technology department, from planning to directing. This is a great position for those who also have great leadership skills. It is also a position that has one of the highest salaries in the IT industry.

A Bachelor's degree is generally the most basic qualification necessary for many entry-level IT positions. It allows one to develop basic programming skills and learn the ins and outs of different networks. Data administration and business skills are also common subjects.

One can also earn their Master's degree in information technology. The newest cutting edge skills merge with a further understanding of market demand and other business aspects to create a well-rounded education. The higher the education, the better an individual's earning power will be.

There is nothing more satisfying than being able to see one's work have a positive effect and make a difference. It provides not only confidence but also a sense of accomplishment. Those who work in IT can rest on the knowledge that theirs in an industry with a strong future.

With dependence on computers growing every day, it is no wonder that so many have decided to seek out an information technology degree. While it is a chance to provide oneself with a solid future, it is also a chance to stay at the forefront and take part in the newest of technologies. For those who truly love the ever-changing world of technology, that is the best part of the job.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College offers many Information Technology Degree programs. Please visit Virginia College at to select the IT Program that is right for you.Eric Blog89320
Chateau Blog26447

Credit Card Types And How To Know The Best For You

Choosing the right credit card is a decision thats more important and difficult to make than most people think. With the right credit card, youll be able to maximize your card benefits without getting into debt.

Credit Card Types Which One Suits You Best?

Low Interest Credit Card If youre interested in having a credit card only so you can pay for emergency expenses when you run out of cash, this is the best type of card for you.

Reward Credit Card Every time you swipe your credit card, you get to enjoy an equivalent number of points depending on how much youve spent. The points youve accumulated can later be on exchanged for various prizes.

Airline Miles Credit Card This is a type of reward credit card that offers only airline miles as rewards. When you use this credit card to purchase your plane fare, youll be able to enjoy reward miles. Later on, youll be able to use them and get discounted plane fare or fly for free even! The same rule applies for gas credit cards.

Student Credit Card Credit card companies have lately been designing credit card offers exclusively for students. Although accompanied with higher interest rates, these cards often have funky designs and offer special reward programs developed primarily to provide maximum enjoyment for students. Proof of schooling is often required. It helps if youre enrolled in an accredited school and youve got great grades.

Secured Credit Card If youve got bad credit, theres still a chance for you to own a credit cardbut only if youre okay with having a secured one. This type of credit card requires you to make a deposit on your bank account and serves as collateral in the event that you fail to pay off your credit card debt. Your credit card limit may equal or be more than the amount youve deposited.

Prepaid Credit Card This isnt a credit card per se, but it generally works like one. The limit of this card will depend on how much youve deposited in its account. You cant spend more than what youve deposited. Its main difference with a secured credit card is that secured credit cards can have greater card limits beyond the value of its deposit.

Business Credit Card This works just like any other conventional credit card only with a few additional perks that make it extremely suitable for business use. A business credit card can automatically separate personal expenses from business expenditures, facilitating monthly tallies for your taxes. It can also provide expense reports for your business, special rewards for your business, and allow you to provide supplementary cards for your employees. You can also choose to modify the credit limit of your employees if necessary.

Home-Secured Credit Card This works like a secured credit card, but only this time youre using your home as collateral. If you dont get to pay off your credit card debt, you know what will happen to your home, dont you?

Charity Credit Card Think of it as shopping for a cause. Every time you purchase something using your credit card, a small amount of your money will be donated to the charity being sponsored by the credit card company. This is a great way to salve your conscience if you feel guilty about your materialistic tendencies.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information checkout and Blog23081
Cyrille Blog45383

Want To Lower Your High Blood Pressure? Get Yourself A Dog!

Pssst, want to positively do something about your High Blood Pressure? Get yourself a pooch and walk it!

Seriously, this is not a wind up nor is it a reverse promotion for the Canine Defence League (or whatever). It is genuine recommendation for those who suffer with High Blood Pressure and want to do something positive about it in a natural manner.

I suffer from High Blood Pressure. I keep banging on about it in a number of articles because in a great many ways (mine probably included if I am brutally honest), something can be done about and it may (note MAY, not DEFINITELY) have been avoidable.

But I digress; this article is about what can be done about High Blood Pressure (HBP or Hypertension) not about how I managed to get it.

There are two options to consider when you are diagnosed with High Blood Pressure.

Firstly you can sit there and go Woe is me, how many tablets do I have to take and at what part in the proceedings will impotence hit me? Us guys like to get our priorities right ?

Secondly you can sit up, re evaluate how you got into that position in the first place and then try and see if you can do something about it. The latter path is the one yours truly decided upon and hence we find ourselves discussing the merits and relative advantages of getting a mutt!

In my case the BP readings were fairly high (try 216 over 160! 120 over 80, god how I used to fantasise about that) and as such Drug therapy was the immediate no brainer in the first instance but once that came under control and the levels dropped it was possible to look at other complimentary measures to run alongside the tablets.

One year down the line from my initial diagnosis and the BP levels were manageable, I had managed to lose some weight. I could have lost the weight sooner but my self discipline for diets has always been awful but again, I digress.

Increased exercise was the next part of the rehabilitation plan and though I had always been keen on walking and getting outside for exercise, again my lousy self discipline always managed to get in the way of any constructive resolution.

This whole narrative might sound like the immediate problem was my own lack of self will and discipline and in many ways that is true. I admire those fanatical enthusiasts who can be seen pounding the streets at 6.30 am every day before they go off to work. My own view on this has always been to try and incorporate some form of longer lasting therapy that in my case was more self sustainable allowing for my own weaknesses.

Now the question may be asked at this point is how serious was I about getting my HBP down and under manageable levels? I have never been more serious about anything else in my life as to be totally honest I am not too wild about departing this mortal coil well before my anointed time.

My own view on this whole exercise was that my anti HBP regime had to be able to be sustainable AND scaleable therefore meaning that the lifestyle / approach would still be on track if I found myself laid up with any form of illness and /or accident.

So, increased exercise as well as change of diet, eating, work habits etc was the order of the day.

Hence we find our self with the situation with a dog. Having lived with dogs all throughout my childhood, I was aware of the companionship that my son would feel if we had one for our family but also I was keenly aware of the responsibility that comes along with having a dog!

They need feeding, looking after andplenty of exercise.

Now we are the proud owners of a Black Labrador / Border collie first cross 50 lbs of fun, fur and mayhem called Elmo. He specialises in all of the things that dogs do best. He eats as much as he can get his paws on, he then makes sure that as much as possible is then manufactured out the other end as often as possible and in the most inconsiderate of places! He chews anything and everything he can get his jaws round, nothing is safe, nothing is sacred and one of these days my eight year old son will get the message not to leave toys lying around the place unattended.

Lastly he is demanding about being taken out and this is where we find the missing link in my Anti HBP Therapy! As the day goes by his whole demeanour and attitude becomes more intense until finally if you havent got the hint by evening time he enters into what can only be described by US Sports Commentators as his Hurry up Offence. He comes and sits in front of you, rests his head on your legs and doesnt move. He just looks at you with that expression that makes it perfectly clear that either it is exercise time or he is going to leave large amounts of canine saliva all over your trousers, shorts, anything in fact that you happen to be wearing at the time!

With a persuasive argument like that it is difficult to refuse and hence I find my High Blood Pressure reducing to manageable proportions, my weight dropping and I am also now in the position of being able to review and reduce (in certain cases) the level of medication that I need to help control my blood pressure.

All by and large down to getting a pooch!

Now if I could do something about the time he destroys the Satellite remote (again), he gets it..

Stephen Morgan launched the site as a result of being diagnosed with acute High Blood Pressure and is also the founder of Living with High Blood Pressure. More information on the above article can be found at Blog8838
Ersatz Blog3445

The New Age Is Here

It is really amazing how over the course of only a few decades how the world has changed. One of the things that stick out in my mind as a kid growing up in a small town in eastern Canada is how far we have come in such a short time. I lived in a house that didnt have any indoor plumbing we had one TV and we had just gotten that and there was only 3 channels on it anyway. That was it for electronic devices along with your good ole AM radio. These items were not much for real entertainment that I have grown accustom to over the years.

The biggest impact on the world today as we know it has to be the PC (Personal Computer). It was introduced to the world 25 years ago and has for ever changed how we communicate, get news and do business. I dont know if they really knew the impact that it would have on our lives, but could you ever imagine getting anything done today without one. Computers have become the ultimate tool for the whole family to use and enjoy weather it is for work, school or just entertainment.

With most advances in technology comes risk with the use of these advances. The PC is no different. With the introduction of the internet and computers becoming more and more accessible for people to own, came the exploits to damage these personal computers. Computers are being used for many things from storing personal data and conduct financial transactions online. The risks have grown even more when using the internet to do these things.

Internet exploits and crime has become a billion dollar industry for internet criminals. There are still people who are either not using the proper internet security products or none at all to protect themselves and families online. Not taking the proper action to make sure your computer, children and identity is safe when using the internet is just not smart today. Dont become a statistic just another person who has become a victim of internet crime. With the price of software these days it just doesnt make sense not be protecting you and love ones from the threats and exploits that are present all over the internet these days. They say that an unprotected computer on the internet will last only about 20 min before if will become compromised by some sort of maleware or exploit on the internet.

How many stories have we heard about children getting exploited or becoming subjected to some kind of inappropriate material? The internet is a great tool for kids to use for research for school; its like having a library right in your home. Not taking the proper steps to make sure your kids are protected while on the internet falls all on the parents. If you want to control your kids access to the internet and what the can view you have to have some kind of parental control installed on your computer.

I know most parents think my child would never do anything like that or they know what they are allowed to do on the computer. Well if you believe that that is just hogwash.

I will tell you a little story about a phone call I received from a shaking mother of a friend of my daughters. My daughter is 13 by the way, well I get a call from the mother of her friend and she tells me what the girls were doing when they were over her house on the computer. These are three young teenage girls chatting on msn using bad language and viewing material that they shouldnt be viewing. Needless to say I had a long talk with my daughter about this stuff and what is appropriate to be doing while on the computer especially in someone elses house. I didnt ground her because you know how kids can be especially when they get into a group there is that thing called peer pressure.

The problem I think is with the parents, you would like to trust your kids and believe that they wouldnt do anything like that but they are kids and will explore the unknown. If the parents had some kind of parental control on their computer in the first place none of it would have happened. My daughter has a computer and it has parental control on it not because I dont trust her but because I have to protect her from the unknown.

With computers you cant wait until you have a virus that has to be fixed or your identity and personal information has been stolen or your kids get themselves in trouble that is going to bring harm to them. You have to protect your computer and your family before any of this can happen by getting yourself some internet security and information on how to protect yourself while on the net.

John FallsLeilah Blog26651
Amour Blog42996

The Importance Of Choosing The Right Logo And Paying The Right Price

When it comes to the world of business, one concept that remains unbeaten is that you must have a unique selling proposition. That makes you stand out from the crowd. Another simple concept that can drive your business to success is branding.

The first concept of having a unique selling proposition is straight forward. If your company doesnt have something unique which separates it from the competition, then your not going to survive for a long time.

The second concept of branding is a little more tricky and involves creating more awareness about your company through the use of a brand name, such as Coca Cola and even more important a logo to represent your company.

Logos are very important when it comes to branding, and I cant stress that enough. If you want more people to know about your company, what better way is there than to have an attractive logo that portrays your company? Most of the successful brands found in the markets today, succeeded mainly due to a logo that creates a lasting impression in peoples minds.

Nike, Puma and Adidas are among the most popular sports brands in the world today. The reason again is that well crafted, little logo such as a tick used by Nike which caught on really well with the consumers. Now every time you think of a sports brand, the first thing that comes to mind is one of the three above mentioned brands.

Coca Cola is another successful example. The mere mentioning of the word soft drink, triggers the minds of most people to remember that over advertised Coca Cola logo. That is how powerful logos are, and not just any logos, well designed logos, which expose the company in some way into the minds of people. This brings up the second point; who do you hire and, how much do you pay?

Thats a trick question, and it really all depends on two main factors which are:

1-Your budget

2-The level of success your willing to take your business to

First of all analyze your budget. Know how much you can spend on an expert to design you a logo. You dont want to overspend and end up with no money to market and advertise your business. What you want is to grow your business. And getting a catchy logo designed by a professional is the thing you need to consider once your business is profitable and should come as a way to further grow your business brand.

The second point, which is, the level of success you are willing to take your business to, should be planned as part of your initial business plan. So ideally, if you want to grow your business and your brand, then you must be aware about this.

Once you have determined where your business is headed to, then you must know the right person to hire. Again do this accordingly to your set budget. A few points to keep in mind are:

-Cheaper doesnt necessarily mean better

-You must be able to communicate with the designer

-You must be able to connect with the designer so that you get the result you want

-Check the previous portfolio of work done by the designer (this alone can separate the professionals from the beginners)

-Make sure the designer you hire is creative and original with ideas, without you having to dictate everything.

So choose an appropriate designer with a good reputation rather, pay well and remember you get what you pay for.

Julia Raven specialises in Writing Articles about, Graphic Design and Outsourcing. She also maintains a where you can get the complete List of Logo Designers in 1 place.Clemence Blog78354
Fabrice Blog45077

Retirement: Living or Just Existing?

Are you planning to retire?

If the answer is yes, are you preparing financially? If so, that means you will have enough money to do all the fun things you look forward to doing, instead of having to think twice about the smallest purchase. And, hopefully, you will plan so well that you will have more than enough money to pay for medical services not covered by insurance or Medicare. Unfortunately, many folks retire thinking, "I won't need as much money anymore." Wrong!

"Old age" is not free. Even if you have taken great care of yourself over the years, the older you get the more maintenance and repair you need and it can be costly.

But a happy retirement takes more than money.

There is something drastically wrong with the way we prepare for retirement. We are encouraged to plan financially, but who is advising us to have a plan to be healthy enough to enjoy the fruit of all the years of labor?

One thing is certain: Your employer or financial advisor will not likely help you develop a preventive health care plan along with financial planning advice. You have to do that yourself, and the sooner you do, the happier and healthier you will be in retirement.

As a pharmacist, I see many seniors well off financially, but their health is shot. They are alive but not living just existing. In many cases, the culprit is not "old age" but years of neglect and self-inflicted health abuse.

There is no joy in having enough money in the bank while incarcerated in a nursing home or dependent on friends and family to tend to the most basic needs.

One other thing: It's selfish not to plan to take care of yourself. Do grown children, perhaps in a bind financially, or with difficult teenagers, need one more problem?

Here are some basic suggestions to help insure a dynamite retirement:

Start an exercise regimen. Today! No time? Invest in a treadmill and put it in front of the TV. While viewing programs that may insult your intelligence, pedal away and turn it into productive use of time. The key to making an exercise program work is consistency. It must become a habit, a "given" in your daily life.

Don't like a treadmill? Get an inexpensive Gazelle. It's a great, low impact calorie burner to use while watching TV, and it will help get your waist back.

Love yourself enough to cut the processed stuff from your diet. You don't need the edible junk advertised as food. Start eating more fresh food. If you love to cook, prepare quick, no-fuss, no-recipe meals. While eating can and should be a pleasure, your goal should be to eat to live, not live to eat. If you can adopt that attitude, you can quickly get over a destructive love affair with food. When you can toss out the deep fat fryer, you know you've done something terrific for your health and your future.

A huge bonus: Exercise and a more natural diet will lower cholesterol and blood pressure and you won't need Pepcid or antacids. By the way, if you believe TV ads that show folks eating what amounts to dietary garbage, and then take an antacid to neutralize the ingested poison, rethink what you believe.

If you abuse your body long enough with food it doesn't want or need, eventually arteries will clog, blood pressure will soar, intestines will clog, and joints will stiffen and ache. You can't fool Mother Nature forever with Mylanta, Pepcid or other band-aids to counter dietary indiscretion.

Drink more water. Eight to ten eight-ounce glasses a day. Coffee and tea, don't count. Nor do sodas. Water is a great antidote for "heartburn." Next time you eat something your stomach doesn't like, drink a couple of glasses of water before you reach for the antacid. You'll probably feel better because you are diluting the poison and getting it out of your body faster.

If you are not taking dietary supplements, now is the time to educate yourself about which ones to take. You need plenty of anti-aging antioxidants. If you think your diet (even a "good" one) provides everything you need, think again. Broccoli grown in mineral deficient foreign soil, treated with chemicals to extend shelf life and stored too long under less than best conditions does not provide optimum nutrition.

Part of your re-education program should include subscribing to a newsletter published by a physician with common sense. A favorite of mine is Dr. Julian Whitaker. He has a no-cost online newsletter at and a print newsletter I would not be without.

If you think in terms of prevention, along with wise financial planning, it's not difficult to make the rest of your life the best of your life. It's just a matter of loving yourself and having enough vision to take the bull by the horns on your own behalf while you still have the ability to do so.

Barbara Morris, R.Ph. is a pharmacist and anti-aging strategist. Subscribe to her newsletter at and receive her complimentary ebook, Diva Tested Tips for Fabulous Skin. Her wisdom is cited in Art Linkletter and Mark Victor Hansens new book, How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of your Life. See Blog45560
Marie Blog38087

What Happens When You Default on your Student Loans? - part 4/4

I ignored (didn't pay) my student loan for years - many years. This was back in the old days (20 years ago) before the government was so efficient at collecting their (your) money. Nothing much happened.

OK, so one day years later, they found my bank account and froze it. Cost me a few hundred dollars. I'll survive.

And then, they started taking my income tax return money. Damn! That hurt. But Life goes on... Life is good, All is well!

But then one day, years later. Big Brother (your Uncle Sam) Returns!

I had learned not to keep too much money in the bank (didn't have much anyway).

And I learned not to expect any money back from income taxes. I was OK with that.

But I was totally unprepared for what Big Brother did next. He blind sided me

One day I go to cash my paycheck, and I noticed "Hey, my check is mighty small this week" What happened?

I look closely at my pay stub. The number of hours are correct... the rate is correct. Hey, what's this

Wage Attachment. 10% of the gross. 10% OF THE GROSS, not net.

10% of the freakin' gross! Damn!

10% of the gross taken off the top. Before you get your check.

10% of the gross gone Every Week

No explanation, no one to complain to. No supervisor to override. Your money is gone.

10% GONE. It doesn't matter that you were barely scrapping by in life every week, living paycheck to check.

Now you live with 10% less. Every week. It sucks!

PLUS, they still take your income tax refund. No wonder they call it a re fund becaues they are Re Funding their own pockets with your money.

There's nothing you can do about it. So I learned to live on 10% less for many years.

One day I finally had the good fortune to get a better paying job. Better job, better pay and

Best of all - the wage attachment stopped. Hurray!

Or so I thought Life is good. Life goes on. I pay my bills.

Years later, on Friday the 13th, it happened. "Big Brother Returned Again".

One miserable deja vu day the check was small. I check the paystub. Number of hours are correct... the rate is correct

There it was on the pay stub again Wage attachment. 10% of the gross.

Son of a bitch' found me again. Damn it, damn it, damn it!

You can't win! You can't hide!

Big Brother will find you. It might take weeks. It might take months. In my case it took many, many years Decades!

But Big Brother will hunt you down and find you. You can't hide forever! And guess what?

Big Brother has Increased the wage attachment withholdings to 15% of the gross.

How much does that hurt?

As an example, let's say you were grossing $1,000 per week. You would pay about $350 in taxes leaving you with $650.

They will take 15% of the $1,000 which is $150 leaving you with only $500.

HALF of your paycheck is GONE!

You just took a $150 a week pay cut. And if you make less than $1,000 it hurts even more.

AND they still take your income tax return!

Trust me on this. You DON'T want this to happen to YOU! Pay your student loans on time.

Carl Willoughby has worked as a Licensed Registered Representaive for the Prudential Insurance Company, a Computer Programmer for the New England Telephone Company, and a Computer Sales Consultant for SEARS. He is self-employed as an Internet Marketing Consultant.Laurent Blog92441
Letti Blog98699

How To Choose A Bathroom Mirror

Mirrors of different designs and sizes are used in bathrooms, according to the size of the bathroom, and individual preference. One of the most prominent functions of a bathroom mirror is to reflect the available light. This may be natural or artificial light.

Bathroom mirrors are available in the market in different forms, and in different sizes. They can be round, oval, rectangular and with or without a frame.

A unique and stylish touch can be given to your bathroom by using decorative mirrors. These mirrors are available in the market in various sizes, finishes and prices. While buying a bathroom mirror, make sure that the style, color and type of mirror will go well with your bathroom's lights and color of the walls or tiles. In order to give a consistent look to the bathroom, a matching mirror frame can be used.

The size of your mirror depends on the size of your vanity. Your bathroom mirror should not be bigger than your vanity, because if you are using sidelights in your bathroom, then the exterior limit of the lights can go beyond the vanity. Mirror lights can be a good choice for a small bathroom, but in a larger bathroom, one extra ceiling fixture is essential for general lighting purposes.

The frameless bathroom mirrors, along with inset lights will give a modern look to your bathroom. Any circular and square mirrors will give that modern ambience to your bathroom. Hanging a mirror creates a modern expression to your bathroom.

Attaching an overhanging light will give an additional look to your bathroom. The wall mounted basin furniture or floor mounted furniture should not be lengthy. In order to give a dramatic look to your bathroom, you can use wall mirrors.

Bathroom mirrors can be used to give a fine look to your bathroom. Bathroom mirrors are one of the important elements of any bathroom. Your right choice of a mirror can give a modern and stylish look to your bathroom.

Bathroom mirrors can change the look of your bathroom completely, if used with proper lighting. It is up to you whether you want to create a traditional look, or a contemporary look to your bathroom. Another option you have is a Victorian style bathroom, which is designed with heavy layers of dark wood. Nowadays, people prefer traditional styles of bathroom mirrors.

In conclusion, it can be said that a bathroom mirror is a very important and integral part of your bathroom. It gives an entirely unique look to it.

Article by Stefan Rockhaus. For more information visit - Find more info at Blog94991
Fulbert Blog19555

DIY Step-by-step RS232 Serial Port Test Comport Checking

How to test serial port RS232 Connection step-by-step?

This is call a loop back test method. NO NEED Any Software Install on your Computer!!!.NO NEED any Hardware Interface on your Computer.

What is "Loop back test Method" ?

"Loop Back tests can be performed by connecting the transmitter on the device to the receiver on the same device"

How to work this mothod?

Start up the computer and Run Hyper Terminal Software Note : Start Menu > Program > Accessoires > Communication > Hyper Terminal

Why we should to do this method?

When the interface hardware device have some problem occors or hardware function not properly.You can't test your Hardware because you don't sure computer port working properly.This method is Easy way to Troubleshooting by yourself.

What is requirement?

Basic skill and something in your home can test this method.

Hardware Requirement (Nothing)
Software Requirement (HyperTerminal - Include in Window XP Version)
Skill Requirement (Basic Skill)
Accessoires (Bunch , Paper clip or anything can connect DB9 pin)

Begin to Test your Com port

- Step one - Prepare

Find something connect (Short or Link) your target com port (DB9 Pin) somebody call Serial Port Pin 2-3. Shutdown your Computer Use it short Pin 2-3 (Pin 2-3 only

- Be careful short other Pin Use a bunch, or Paper clip).

- Step Two - Prepare

Start up the computer and Run Hyper Terminal Software

Note : Start Menu > Program > Accessoires > Communication > Hyper Terminal Program) If you don't see HyperTermnal Program got to Microsoft download and download it.

- Step Three - Configuration

Configuration Hyper Terminal Connection Setting
Enter Connection name (may be use "test my com port)
Select target com port to test (com1,com2,com...n)
Properties Connection Below
Band rate 9600
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop 1
Flow Control None

then Click "Restore to Defaults"

- Step Four Test

Perform a loopback test Press any Key... On Keyboard - Send data out to com port

If you see any character on the screen Hyper Terminal comport was normally.

If you don't see any character on Hyperminal Screen.

Shutdown the computer and Check your Comport Pin 2-3 must connect it.(Don't short other pin).and test this method again.

For more information and resources see =>http://interface.centraltreasure.comComputer Hardware PC Interface Knowledge Base Site

Wongsak Namphon - Expertise in Hardware Interface FieldLinda Blog51844
Jessica Blog63216

Monday, February 4, 2008

Anti Aging Skin Care: 10 Tips To Help Avoid Your Skin Aging Prematurely

Skin is living tissue. It needs regular care and attention to remain smooth, tight and vibrant. Some signs of aging are inevitable, however there is a lot you can do to influence how quickly your skin ages. How fast your skin ages is significantly influenced by the health and lifestyle decisions you make every day. Making unhealthy choices can cause premature skin aging.

Here are 10 lifestyle tips to help you avoid premature skin aging.

Dont smoke: Whether you smoke, or you spend time with a smoker, cigarette smoke is damaging and aging your skin. Exposure to cigarette smoke significantly increases skin wrinkles and dryness. Cigarette smoke depletes your body of Vitamin C which is a key ingredient for keeping skin plump and moist.

Manage sun exposure: The suns UV rays penetrate deep into skin tissues contributing to wrinkles, dryness, sun burn and, in the worse case, skin cancer. When spending time in the sun protect yourself with a sun screen. A sun screen with an SPF 15 rating, or higher, is recommended. Remember to continuously reapply your sun screen if you are outside for long periods of time, or have been swimming or exercising. Dont forget clouds do not protect you from ultraviolet ray exposure. You need to protect yourself from the sun, even on a cloudy day. Don't forget your eyes, wear sun glasses. Long term sun exposure can lead to serious health issues with your eyes.

Contrary to popular belief sun beds are not a safer way to tan. Sun beds also emit UV rays contributing to premature skin aging. For a skin friendly tan consider self tanning creams.

Exposure to cold weather: If you live in cooler climes cold winds and low temperatures can also contribute to premature skin aging by drying out your skin. If you venture out in the cold make sure to use a good moisturizer.

Eat healthily: One of the most important influences on our skin health is the quality and quantity of food we eat. A balanced diet is a good barrier against premature aging. By eating fruits and vegetables, especially brightly coloured fruit and leafy greens, we are giving our bodies vitamins and antioxidants that combat the breakdown of collagen and elastin in our skin. Collagen and elastin helps keep our skin tight and youthful. It is also important is to make sure you drink plenty of water every day.

Manage stress: To help reduce premature skin aging due to stress be aware of your stress level. Stress and worry cause frowning and, over time, the muscles in the face actually remember the stressed and worried expressions. A good anti aging skin care program should include meditation, yoga, gentle exercise or other relaxation techniques. Keeping stress in check will help you look and feel younger.

Exercise regularly: Exercise has a positive impact on muscle tone and blood circulation contributing to skin health and a more youthful appearance. The benefits of a regular exercise program will show on your face, having a bright smile and lots of energy will help you look younger, at any age.

Think about your beauty products: As you age you should use both lighter coloured cosmetics and hair colours. Lighter colours will be more flattering to your skin lightening skin tone.

It is also worth considering AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) based moisturizers and skin care products. AHAs are natural fruit acids found in fruit, sugarcane, and milk. As skin ages natural exfoliation becomes more difficult and dead skin layers build up. AHAs allow the top layer of dead skin to be exfoliated more easily and help to unblock and cleanse pores. AHAs also loosen inter-cellular fluid smoothing fine lines and surface wrinkles and improving skin texture and tone.

Did you know that your lipstick or lip gloss can help your lips not only look great but can also protect them from the sun at the same time ? When choosing your lip products look for lipsticks or lip glosses that contain Sesame Oil and Vitamin E.

Moderate alcohol use: Alcohol contributes to skin aging by dilating small blood vessels in the skin and increasing blood flow near the skin's surface. Over time these blood vessels can become permanently damaged and broken.

Moisturize: Think of all the hot showers and baths you have taken; sure, they clean your skin, but they also dry it out. Our skin also gets drier as part of the aging process. The best thing to combat dryness is, of course, to moisturize. Your local drug store or beauty spa sells a great variety of moisturizers, and one of them will be just the right for your skin type. Ask the beauty advisor or pharmacist for assistance if youre not sure which one to buy.

Get enough sleep: While we sleep our body, including our skin, recharges and prepares for the next day. Take time to get some sleep at least 7 to 8 hours per night.

Donna Kelly is a trained makeup artist with her own beauty business. As both a business woman and a mom with 2 children Donna understands the time pressures on women today and through this, and other articles, has endeavored to take the complexity out of looking great with some "busy women friendly" beauty tips and advice. If you would like to read more of Donna's articles check out her website: Blog73730
Fiacre Blog72079

Responsible Refinancing: Tips To Avoid Predatory Lending

Homeowners interested in refinancing are probably aware of the dangers of predatory lending. But how do you recognize a predatory lender when you see one? How do you avoid the very real consequences of making a bad refinancing decision?

Predatory lending really means that a lender influences you to refinance your home in such a way that is not in your best financial interest. Homeowners often become blinded by perceived short-term benefits, losing sight of important long-term goals.

The number one mistake to avoid when refinancing your home is canceling too much equity. Youve worked hard to build equity in your home, and cash-out refinancing options can sometimes cancel every bit of it, making your home virtually worthless to you until you can build up equity again.

However, equity is what allows you to borrow against your home, so canceling some of your equity by refinancing is not always a bad decision. If you are refinancing to consolidate other debt, for instance, this could be a decision that will strengthen your financial situation for the future.

Cash-out refinancing allows you to take cash out of the loan at closing, and while this can be seen as an investment if the cash to be used for home improvement, it is absolutely detrimental if the homeowner spends the cash on something like a new car or boat. The homeowner has then wiped out equity in a home that will only increase in value, and traded it for something that begins depreciating immediately.

Predatory lenders take advantage of homeowners who have difficulty focusing on their long-term financial goals. If you are considering a cash-out refinancing option, ask yourself if your plans for that cash are going to help you reach your long term goals or not.

Refinancing a fixed rate mortgage (FRM) to an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) to take advantage of current low interest rates is another decision homeowners are likely to later regret. That low rate may look attractive now, but an adjustable rate mortgage is just that: adjustable. Interest rates could rise higher in the future than the rate on your current FRM. Lower monthly payments may seem like a great way to save money, but in the long-term you could end up paying thousands more on your new loan than you would have paid if youd stayed in the old one.

However, refinancing from an ARM to an FRM is usually a wise decision, even if the fixed rate is slightly higher than the current rate on the ARM. The idea behind refinancing to an FRM is that you lock yourself into an interest rate that you are comfortable with paying.

Refinancing to the same type of loan as the current mortgage for a lower interest rate is also a decision homeowners probably wont regret. Just be sure you intend to stay in your home long enough for the savings in interest to cover the cost of refinancing.

One other important safeguard against predatory lending is the Federal Truth in Lending Act, which guarantees borrowers who refinance on their primary residence a three day grace period to back out after closing, so long as they are refinancing with a different lender than the one who holds the current mortgage. This is called the right of rescission, and very few borrowers take advantage of it, but knowing you have the right to back out of a bad deal makes refinancing your home a little less stressful.

Robert Michael is a writer for Refinancing Ltd which is an excellent place to find refinancing links, resources and articles. For more information go to: Blog3390
Fulbert Blog19555

Bouillon Tourist Information

General summary of city:

Bouillon is a city that is situated in the province of Luxembourg, in the western section of Belgium. A small city and part of the Neufchateau district, Bouillon has a relatively small population numbering just over 5,000 individuals. Yet, the small population of the city can be somewhat deceiving, Bouillon is a city that offers plenty of things to do see and enjoy.

Bouillon is located very near the French border and is surrounded by Ardennes. Filled with incredible castle structures, and many historical sites to see, the city of Bouillon draws thousands of tourists each year. The city of Bouillon is also the location where Godfrey of Bouillon first left for the Crusades in 1095. Further, the city of Bouillon was, at one time, under the rulership of the Frenchspecifically King Louis XIV in 1676. Later, the city would become part of Belgium in the eighteen century.

Castles, museums, beer breweries, and recreational activities are all easily accessible to guests in Bouillon. In fact, if guests visit Bouillon at the right time of year, they can take in all of the recreational activities that are offered on an annual basis in Bouillon. The city of Bouillon offers a carnival every March, a Trout Festival every April; Falconry demonstrations between the months of April and August; a Medieval Weekend during the month of August; a Craft Fair in September; and a mountain biking expedition in September.

Places of interest:

Bouillon houses a number of sites of historical interest. The Archeoscope is filled to the brim with edifying exhibits: exhibits that will reveal the true history of Bouillon, from its early beginnings to the present day. Further, within the Archeoscope, travellers can view scale models of the existing fortifications within the city of Bouillon and neighbouring France. The Archeoscope is often the first site visited by travellersthe historical education provided by the location readies the traveller for other site seeing adventures within the city.

Alternatively, travellers may also want to see the Ducal Museum, housing exhibits pertaining to the First Crusade to the present. English speaking, guided tours are offered at the Ducal Museum, and guests can take in the breath-taking sixteenth and seventeenth century architecture that this museum is famous for. Ultimately, the Ducal Museums is a source of historical exploration that the entire family can easily enjoy.

Of course, travellers seldom leave Belgium before sampling its world famous beer or visiting one of its breweries. While staying in Bouillon, travellers can tour the Le March de Nathalie, the citys single brewery; a brewery that brews well over 300 varieties of Belgium beer. Travellers are given the opportunity to sample some of Belgiums finest brews at the Le March de Nathalie.

Things to do:

The annual Falconry Demonstration that is offered between the months of April and August is called the Ballet de Rapaces. Offered three times daily, the Falconry Demonstration is a perk of visiting the Castle in Bouillon. The times for the Falconry Demonstration are set at 11:30 am, 2:00 pm and 3:30 pm respectively. Each show lasts approximately hour, just a short time for travellers to see the beautiful falcons and their abilities.

Alternatively, many tourists find that they are drawn to the medieval architecture of Bouillon and such travellers may enjoy seeing the Chateau Fort. The Chateau Fort was established in the late 900s and was formerly owned by Godfrey of Bouillon. The Chateau Fort houses long, vast corridors, and dark dank dungeons for traveller exploration and the medieval charm of the Fort is truly unforgettable. Adults and children find the Chateau Fort incredibly interesting, and the guided toursespecially the nocturnal tours where guides walk tourist through the castle with lighted torch in handserve as an incredibly memorable experience. The Chateau Fort is accessible from 10 am to 6:00 pm and the cost of admission is nominal: 5.20 Euro and 3.50 Euro for children and adults respectively.

Food & Drink:

Travellers can enjoy a fine dining experience at the La Vieille Ardenne on Grand Rue, a caf and restaurant that proudly offers catering facilities to the residents of Bouillon. The La Vieille Ardenne has an outdoor veranda and travellers can sit on the terrace while sampling one of Belgiums famous beers. Alternatively, the Auberge du Panaroma situated at Au dessus de la Ville 23 serves a fine selection of French cuisine, and is open every day except Monday and Tuesday.

Those travellers looking for fantastic Italian entrees can please their palate at La Rocca; located at rue du Petit 19 in Bouillon. La Rocca is open every day except for Monday and offers its guest live entertainment while they dine. Childrens menus are available at La Rocca and the dining facility is handicapped accessible.

Meanwhile, travellers looking for a taste of Belgian cuisine will find precisely what they desire at La Baratin, located at Rue des Augustins 12. Open everyday of the week, except for Mondays and Tuesdays, La Baratin offers the best in Belgian dining. Popular entrees among travellers include frites, Flemish cabbage, Flemish Stew, mussels and chips, and a dessert consisting of Belgiums famous chocolates can finish off any meal. Again, beer, including the fruity, flavored variety is available in many cafes and restaurants throughout Belgium.

Hotels & Accommodation:

Logis De France Auberge D'alsace et Hotel de France
Hotel Cosy
Auberge d'Alsace Hotel de France
Hotel Panorama
Best Western Hotel La Porte de France
Hotel La Ferronniere
Hostellerie La Pommeraie


Bouillon is a suitable city for those travellers looking to partake in outdoor recreations. From hiking to cycling, from kayaking to mountain biking, Bouillon is a prime destination for the outdoor enthusiast. Travellers can engage in motor biking through the Ardennes or travellers can take advantage of canoeing adventures on the River Ambleve or on the River Ourthe, as well as other rivers in Belgium. There are a number of kayaking tour guides available thorough Belgium and they are skilled guides ready to help travellers make the most of their adventures while staying in Bouillon and other regions of Belgium.

Meanwhile, those travellers that love nothing more than a good shopping excursion can really enjoy all of the flea markets and outdoor markets strewn throughout the Belgium countryside. Many German antiques can be purchased at flea markets and the like, and travellers may be pleasantly surprised by the incredible deals they find while shopping in Bouillon. In the end, Bouillon poses appeal to every traveller; both children and adults alike. Bouillon offers entertainment and fun for everyone. With its rich history, site seeing opportunities, fine dining selections and recreational pursuits, Bouillon makes and ideal place to visit or live in.

Meredith BooneyEdmond Blog49409
Lydie Blog40220

I Won The Lottery! Or, Maybe Not

I must be the luckiest person alive. In the past three days I found out I won 1.5 Million Euros in the UK lottery, One Million Euros in the Winx International Lottery, 1.5 Million Euros in the 2007 E-Mail Lottery, and 500,000 Pounds in an e-mail lottery held by the Coca Cola Company. Wow! What did I do to receive all these riches?

The sad truth is there are actually people who fall for these schemes. For the promise of a quick buck (or million Euros as the case may be) people will turn over their bank account numbers, wire money in the hopes of getting more back, or give other information that could lead to identity theft.

These lottery and sweepstakes schemes have gone on long before the internet, with one of the oldest being the phony sweepstakes which required an entrance fee to claim your prize, which amounted to more than the prize was worth. Another variation of that scheme was requiring the potential winner to call a certain number to find out if he or she was a winner. The phone call cost the potential winner a certain amount per minute with an unusually-long wait time on hold. The real winner was the scamming company which made money off the phone calls.

Todays thieves have a wide choice of scam-delivery mechanisms, including in person, the mail, phone and internet. However, the same holds true no matter how the scam is delivered: if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

How Can You Recognize the Lottery or Sweepstakes Scam?

There are certainly legitimate lotteries and sweepstakes offers. Who hasnt bought a state or multi-state lottery ticket from their local lottery retailer? Or, who hasnt seen one of those sweepstakes offered by a recognized company advertising in the coupon section of the Sunday newspaper? You fill out the entry form or reasonable facsimile (usually a 3x5 card) with your name and address and send it off.

Therein is your biggest clue as to whether youre the victim of a scam. In a legitimate lottery or sweepstakes you have bought the ticket or entered your name and address. In a scam lottery or sweepstakes you are notified youve won when you havent even entered or bought a ticket.

In addition, its illegal to use the mail or telephone to play lotteries across borders, whether national or state lines. Any lottery offer involving the purchase of lottery tickets for other state or country lotteries could end up with you being charged with illegal activities.

One ploy used by foreign scammers involving lotteries or sweepstakes is offering you an advance on your winnings. The scam artist will send you a check for part of your winnings. All you have to do is wire them payment for taxes or other official purposes. By the time you find out their check has bounced the money you wired is in their hands. And, because it was wired its harder to trace.

Lottery scammers dont always use e-mail or the phone. Sometimes they do their dirty work in person. A typical scam would go something like this: You are approached in person by someone who claims he or she just won the lottery but isnt eligible to claim it. They offer to split the money with you if you claim the prize. Sounds good, right? Except that before you claim the prize from the lottery retailer you are required to withdraw some money from your account and give it to the ticket holder as a good-faith gesture. By the time you find out youre holding a non-winning lottery ticket, the thief is long-gone with your good-faith money.

In order to protect yourself from these scams, its important to remember the following:


Its illegal to use the mail or telephone to play lotteries across borders.

If you ever receive a phone call, letter or e-mail announcing you just won a lottery, its a scam.


Its illegal for a company to require you to pay to win or claim a sweepstakes prize.

Its illegal for a company to suggest that buying something will improve your chances of winning.

Companies cannot ask for money from you for taxes they say you owe on a sweepstakes winning.

Be cautious when entering sweepstakes from displays you see in malls often times these are people just wanting your name and address for a future sweepstakes scam.

Only enter sweepstakes from recognizable companies, and never pay a fee to enter.

Avoiding being the victim of a scam takes a healthy dose of skepticism. If you are ever unsure about the legitimacy of an offer made to you, you can call the National Fraud Information Centers Hotline at 1-800-876-7060.

Shari Hearn is a writer and creator of and http://www.expecting-baby.netKeely Blog43914
Julienne Blog92176

Webcam Basics

Instead of just communicating over the internet with text and emoticons, people are beginning to realize just how easy and fun it is to send video clips through cyberspace. Webcam setups range from simple to complex, and increasing the complexity is only a matter of adding functionality through software, custom code and/or equipment connections.

A simple Webcam setup consists of a Digital Camera attached to your computer, usually through the USB port. The camera part of the Webcam setup is just a digital camera -- nothing out of the ordinary so far. The "Webcam" functions of the camera originate from the software. Webcam software takes a frame from the digital camera at a preset interval (for example, the software might grab a still image from the camera once every 30 seconds) and transfers it to another location for viewing.

If you're interested in using your Webcam for streaming video, you'll want a Webcam system with a high frame rate. The frame rate indicates the number of pictures the software can grab and transfer in one second. For streaming video, you need a minimum rate of at least 15 frames per second (fps), and 30 fps is optimal. To achieve high frame rates, you must necessarily have a high-speed internet connection.

Once it captures a frame, the software broadcasts the image over your Internet connection. There are several broadcast methods. Using the most common method, the software turns that image into a JPEG (compressed) file and uploads it to a web server using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). You can easily place a JPEG image onto any web page in this manner and post your webcam images on the internet.

If you don't have your own Web server or web site, you can also use your web cam to send a video email. First, launch the software that comes with the camera. Depending on the model, the process of e-mailing and recording your video messages may vary. Press Start or Record to begin the video message. Click Stop and then preview the video. You can then click E-mail or Send, which automatically opens your default e-mail program.

When sending a video e-mail, the longer the video message recorded, the bigger the attachment will be, so make sure the recipient's computer can handle the size. The recipient of the e-mail does not need special software to see your video message; they simply choose to open the attachment and the mini movie will play.

Another increasingly popular way to use your web cam is a chat session with webcams in "real time" with instant messaging (IM) programs. During an IM chat, there will be an option to start the webcam right on the screen, or under the Options or Tools menu. In Windows Messenger, for example, the words Start Camera are on the right-hand side of the screen. It is also possible to adjust the volume, window size, and video resolution with IM options. The person on the other end also needs a webcam to visually chat.

Adjust your camera's focus, point it toward your face, and most importantly, look right into the "eye" of the webcam so your friends on the other end see more than just your forehead. Keep in mind that some webcams require an additional microphone to record audio.

Don't expect terrific video quality. It's often possible to adjust the video resolution by toying with the webcam's software settings, but the higher the quality, the choppier the video frame rates will be. Webcams can also be used for remote security monitoring, but beware of hackers who could intercept your video feed and then spy on YOU. Make full use of passwords and encryption.

Brian Lee

The World's Best Brands of digital cameras, camcorders, webcams, security cameras, camera phones, photo printers, and accessories. Get yours now.

Brian Lee is co-owner of 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee on entire line of digital cameras, camcorders, webcams, security cameras, camera phones, photo printers, & accessories. Honorine Blog87890
Isis Blog8838

Russian Women Are Strong Women

Russian women may be feminine, but that does not mean that they are weak. Conversely, Russian woman are strong and domineering enough that they might shock members of the National Organization of Women with their ferocity.

Russian women were in the factories and workplaces of Soviet Russia before their sisters from the West. They were working in factories twenty years before Rosie the Riveter made her appearance during World War II.

Russia lost many of their men in the Stalinist purges of the Thirties and the Great Patriotic War, what westerners call World War II.

Consequently, women were in the workplace and frequently were the sole breadwinners in homes with no men, which were most homes during this time.

Russian men were scarce. Men were revered because there were so few of them. They became spoiled. They became soft. They forgot what it meant to be a man. They became weak under the dominance of the Soviet State and the effects of alcohol.

They sacrificed their responsibility as husbands and fathers for the frivolities of cheap pleasure.

Russian women are the glue that holds the family together.

They were used to taking charge of the family. They ran the household and took care of the children, while men amused themselves with drinking and playing cards.

Russian wives are strong and pretty dominating. The Russian woman who makes it to America is usually the most educated and intelligent of Russian women. They are smart and know exactly what they want.

Unlike many western women, they have no interest in arguing over who is the boss of the house. There is no theoretical discussion of womens rights and division of domestic chores. Russian women just take charge of the house.

If a man does not put up any show of force, they can become tyrannical and bossy. American men are sometimes surprised when their little sex kitten starts to show her claws.

Men in the west have become soft too. All too frequently they have sacrificed their responsibilities as husbands and fathers.

They couldnt, or wouldnt, take care of their women and families, which forced their women to work. They stopped serving their families and their families fell apart. They became selfish, only looking out for their own pleasure.

The Me Generation. What a legacy. Record numbers of divorce, more children than ever raised in poverty. Alcoholism and drug addiction.

When they say that men are the head of the family, these men think it means that they can take their pleasure in any way they desire.

Being the head of the family means being the ultimate servant.

It means being the base of the inverted period. Everything depends on you. You are the rock that the family depends upon.

Russian women have had to become the rock of the family, because men were not available or they refused to take up their responsibilities as husbands and fathers.

Russian women are looking for foreign husbands because they are searching for the type of men who are willing to take up their responsibilities.

Many western women have had to become the rock of the family too, because their men did not shoulder their responsibilities.

Unlike some American women, Russian women as a group like and cherish men. In Russia, men were a scarce commodity. They were something to fight for and hold onto.

Russian women are looking for responsible men. Men who take care of their families. They are traveling half way around the world in hopes of finding such a man. They have not found him at home.

You need to be the kind of man that she left everything behind for. You need to be a responsible husband and father. You need to be the rock that the family depends on.

John Kunkle has been successfully married to a Belarussian wife for over five years. He has traveled extensively through Russia and other CIS countries. He will tell you why you should consider Russian women, how to meet them, how to bring your special woman home, and how to survive married life.Audrey Blog18411
Juin Blog48982

10 Terrific Tips for Web Design Beginners.

When embarking on the daunting journey to web design enlightenment it can be hard to know where to start. This short article is intended as a roadmap, outlining the significant tips all aspiring web designers should be made aware of. If you follow each of the following tips you will be well on your way to web design nirvana. However, you may possibly be an intermediate, or, hold your breath, advanced web designer well if that is the case, be humble my good friend, peruse the following tips and you may surprise yourself and pick up a thing or two. So saddle up to your computer chair, make yourself a coffee, drink some chai tea if it tickles your fancy (it s certainly not my cup of tea), assume the full lotus position and prepare to be digitally enlightened.


1. LEARN XHTML - Extensible HyperText Markup Language.

If you dont already know, XHTML is the markup language that every individual web page is made out of. Right click on your screen, and click on view source. Feel like Neo already? Yes, thats right folks; every web page you view is simply a plain text file full of code stored on some dudes computer (sometimes otherwise known as a web hosting server).

Dont be scared, XHTML is quite possibly the easiest programming language you can learn, so easy in fact XHTML isnt technically classed as a programming language. Dont take the red pill and learn Dreamweaver it may seem the easier option at first, but being completely honest once you learn XHTML you can create web pages in half the amount of time than it takes to in Dreamweaver, and you have more control over the final layout. Additionally, Dreamweaver adds quite a lot of unnecessary code and as a result increase the file size of the page, slowing down the loading time for all those poor sods still on dial up Internet. You can write XHTML code in a plain text editor, such as notepad, or notepad++ ( my favourite), however word processors such as Microsoft Word are entirely unsuitable.

If youre rich, unlike me, pick up a cheap ( recent) XHTML book, otherwise browse Google for XHTML tutorials, or head over to http://www.w3. org/MarkUp/Guide/ for a brief introduction to writing XHTML by Dave Raggett.

2. LEARN CSS Cascading Style Sheets.

Stop torturing you with all these programming languages you say? Dont fret my friend, CSS is only a little more advanced than XHTML and most books on XHTML also cover CSS. CSS is the language that controls things such as the colour, background images, font attributes, and so on. The beauty of using CSS is you can control the aesthetic features of multiple web pages with a single CSS file.

If you would like another wonderful online tutorial, head over to Guide/Style for a brief introduction to CSS, by Dave Raggett also.


All web designers know how to use Photoshop. I was actually born with a Photoshop watermark on my upper left thigh. If you are aspiring for a web design career you are going to need to learn Photoshop, hell even my Nan knows how to use Photoshop. So Google away for Photoshop tutorials, or browse your local library to spice up your Photoshop skills.

The best piece of advice I can give you is to make up all of your web page designs in Photoshop first. Once you are entirely happy with the design start slicing and dicing your photoshop file for the images you will need, and coding the web page in XHTML and CSS. This saves stuffing around with markup code unnecessarily; its much easier to make changes to layout and colours, etcetera, in Photoshop first.


If you already know a thing or two about web design you are probably sick to death of hearing about using CSS instead of tables for your layout. Well Im going to give it a brief mention anyways for all those web design n00bies out there. Use CSS to control your layout, dont use HTML tables for your design. Tables add tons of unnecessary code, are time consuming and expensive to make changes to once the site is completed, and only affect the layout of the single page you are working on as opposed to using a single CSS file that affects the layout of any page you want. Dont bust your knuckles by typing the same code over and over again.


Valid XHTML and valid CSS is code that validates with the World Wide Web Consortiums coding rules. There is plenty of information on how to ensure your code is valid over at It is important to keep this in mind, as most web design employers will not touch web designers with a ten-foot clown pole unless their code adheres with the standards of the W3C.



Grid theory is basically the design theory that suggests that works of art are more aesthetically pleasing if they adhere to some sort of grid that controls its layout. Additionally, the rule of thirds, which is a theory that is related to grid theory, (its sort of like the relative that no one wants to speak to at family functions because of a foul and unpleasant body odour), suggests that designs are even more aesthetically pleasing if their visual form can be divided into thirds. When designing web pages in photoshop, I always start with a grid first to ensure my layouts align to the grid.


Typography can be defined as the study of fonts. Learning about typography will teach you when and where to use fonts. Learning about letter spacing (kerning as they like to call it), line height, the serif and sans serif font categories, and more, youll have a truly lethal understanding of fonts in your web design arsenal.

It is important to keep in mind that there is only a small range of fonts that will display in peoples web browsers, so dont rely on primarily using custom fonts in your designs, unless you plan on saving them all as images which can drastically increase the file size of your web site. Site visitors arent going to download custom fonts just to view your website the way you want them to, even if you are super polite. If you stick to using the following fonts for the actual text in your web page, you will be safe: Arial, Arial Black, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Georgia, Impact, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, and Verdana. If you want to be an extra lame nerd like me, you should print out all the variations of these fonts (in bold, italic, different sizes, etc) and stick it on your wall.


Before I continue any further I must offer one small piece of advise. Please please please do not email me and tell me that I have spelled colour wrong. If you do so, I will slap you with a salami. Every time I write one of these articles I seem to get at least one email from a silly sausage that doesnt realise words such as color and optimize are spelled differently in different parts of the world. Well, on with the show.

Colour Theory, is, well, the theory of colours. There are many theories on how to choose a nice colour palette, and these will help ensure your web site wont have the appearance it was designed by a colour blind blind-man. Without getting into too much detail, one nice colour scheme to use is a monochromatic colour scheme. A monochromatic colour scheme is a selection of colours that features a colour (lets say cerulean blue), tints of that colour (cerulean blue with more white), shades of that colour (cerulean blue with more black), black and white colours (yes black and white are classified as colours my learn-ed friends).

A nice little tool to help you choose your colour scheme can be located at Mmmm, free tool.


Browse the net for good web designers, dont steal their designs, but analyse their designs and try to figure out what fonts, colour scheme, grids, and photoshop techniques they are using. A simple way to use this is search for web design in Google, and browse the portfolios of the top web design companies that come up in the search results. Digital art and poster websites also serve as good inspiration.

However you dont need to restrict your sources of inspiration to the Internet. On the rare occasion when I venture out of my web design cave to eat something other than baked beans on toast, I like to analyse what grid, colour scheme, and font types that restaurants like to use in their menus. But hey, put me in a sack and throw me down a river if you think Im just crazy.


I shouldnt have to say this but practise whenever you can. The more you practise, the sooner writing XHTML and CSS code will become a second nature to you, and you should also practise utilising the information from the various theories I have just mentioned too.

A good tip would be to make one web page template a week and submit it to and other online free web page template directories. Its a great way to improve your skills, and develop a nice little portfolio too.

Well thats just about it for today, my avid readers. I hope the useful tips in this article have helped you well on your way towards web design enlightenment. If you need more information on any of the topics I have mentioned please dont forget that Google and Wikipedia are your friends. And finally, please, never let yourself forget There is a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path.

This article was written by Justin Daniel, who operates his small web design business- NFX Web Design, located in Newcastle, Australia. This article may be reproduced and published if it contains a link back to NFX Web Design, but not edited in any way without the permission of its author.Hugues Blog15297
Herbert Blog33578