Lilias Blog

Monday, February 4, 2008

How Much Does- Free- Cost ?

The word FREE is one of the most powerful words in not just the English language, but throughout all human languages.

Any time the word FREE is mentioned, it will cause the most cynical or skeptical human beings ears to perk up like a K-9's!

It is said that the internet has leveled the playing field for entrepreneurs, worldwide. For a lot of people who have taken the time to do their homework and truly learn the ins-and-outs of Internet Marketing, this has proven to be true. Yet there are always exceptions to the rule, and I don't suggest you bank on the exception. This is what brings me to the question, How much does FREE cost?

Instead of asking How much does FREE cost? you may want to ask yourself, How much has FREE cost you? Before you and I go on pondering this question, let me make one thing perfectly clear - I have been caught up in the seduction of the FREE offer, too. So you see my goal here is not to make you feel bad because you have been seduced by the FREE offer which is disguised as a way to build your trust, and eventually rape you of your hard-earned money and hopes of doing something better for yourself and your loved ones.

As we approach the end of this year, Newbie, beware. Now is the time you will see FREE offers coming out of the wood work or should I say FREE offers will be popping out of your PC. Now again, let me establish that all FREE offers are not invalid or tricks, but a lot of them are and we are going to have to learn to know the difference between the valid offer and the invalid offer.

Ok, here's the deal in a nut shell. The FREE offer is being perverted by unscrupulous Internet Marketers. I learned the hard way about free offers, now you dont have to. For the unscrupulous Internet Marketer, the FREE offer is a lot like date rape. I say it's like date rape, because the offer is so cleverly disguised as a trust worthy offer, it's as though they really have your best interest in mind, so you let down your ability to reason and Wham! They've gotten your goods and have moved on to the next victim.

The FREE offer is a reciprocator no matter who uses it. This law was set in place by the ALMIGHTY GOD of Heaven and earth, and it cannot be changed by man. For those of you who do not know what law I am talking about, it is this. Give, and it shall be given to you.... so you see no matter who applies the principle, it works. I am not attempting to stop people from using the FREE offer approach, because I truly believe if one has something to give, and he/she believes that what they are offering can truly be a help to someone, by all means I say give it!

I was recently reading an email I received, and I have to say that I was really moved. This gentleman expressed to me how he built his business on giving, and to my astonishment he did not ask me to go from there to another website where I could leave my email address, or tell me that if I left his page, I would never be offered such a great deal again in life. No, not that guy, although his approach is brilliant. Sneaky, but brilliant.

If you really want to know the truth, the FREE approach is about list building. Yes, it's all about building your opt-in list. You see the guy that I am talking about came up with the most brilliant form of viral marketing the Internet Marketing world has ever seen. Hey! I'm new at this, maybe you've seen it before. Think about this - when was the last time you convinced Internet Marketers worldwide to offer a FREE report written by you, to build your opt-in list. The FREE approach is about the list. How much does it really cost?

© Copyright 2006 Felton L.Thompkins

Felton L. Thompkins is a native Atlantan, now making his home in Jacksonville, FL.Hiver Blog54529
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